The Woman Behind Thanksgiving Day leadership thanksgiving Nov 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Day has always been my favorite holiday, a special day of being thankful for my family and friends and the love we share, celebrated by a great feast.  When I was a boy, we always celebra...

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Your Humble Servant leadership Nov 07, 2016

My son and I both love football.  We agree on many aspects of the game, but one area where we disagree is centered on players’ arrogance versus humility.  I do not like flamboyant players who perform ...

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Posthumous Leadership leadership Oct 24, 2016

We all have heroes living and past.  My dad was a hero of mine, a great influence on me and he had a huge impact on my core values.  Because of that, my philosophical foundation of leadership is built...

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Habit #7 Speaking When Angry anger Oct 10, 2016

I worked with a guy once who was known for his anger.  When things were going the way he wanted, he was one of the nicest guys you could know.  When things didn’t go according to his plan, DUCK!  He c...

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She’s a Great Leader, Always Smiling… leadership Sep 26, 2016

Have you ever been around a person who is always positive, always smiling? When you interact with someone who’s in a good mood, a leader or otherwise, it’s contagious. Emotions are shared thru verbal ...

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Bedside Manner Leadership leadership Jul 18, 2016

Anyone who has worked in healthcare for a period of time knows that some physicians have a fantastic bedside manner and other physicians can have terrible bedside manner.  The incredible phenomenon th...

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Leadership, Money & Happiness leadership Jul 11, 2016

We’ve all heard the expression that money can’t buy your love.  I have a different take on that expression; money can’t buy you love, but neither can poverty.  I always thought that regardless of whet...

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Nice Guys Finish Last…And First! success Jul 04, 2016

Have you ever participated in volunteer work that left you feeling great?  Delivering meals to shut-ins and those less fortunate left me feeling great recently.  It also left me with a feeling of appr...

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Snob! leadership leadership coaching Jun 27, 2016

I’ll never forget the conversation I had with the young man who had been selected to take my position as the regional director.  He was telling me what a “big deal” it was for him to be promoted into ...

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Reversing the Brain Drain stress Jun 19, 2016

Before my maternal grandmother passed away, she had thirty-three grandchildren along with a few great-grandchildren.  When I would go to see her, she would go through several of my cousin’s names befo...

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Game On! research Jun 12, 2016

Oh the games people play now, every night and every day now, never meaning what they say now, never saying what they mean.  While they wile away the hours, in their ivory towers, till they’re covered ...

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Coloring Outside the Lines leadership leadership coaching leadership development May 31, 2016

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was in kindergarten.  Mrs. Carlton, our teacher, gave us an assignment.  She gave us a piece of paper with two columns of rectangular boxes.  Inside each box we...

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